"Are you better off than in 2020?"

A history for the memory-impaired

"Are you better off than in 2020?" That's the question the idiotic Trump camp is asking. Idiotic? Perhaps they think that their supporters are idiots, or that Trump's cultists have defective memories. Four years ago America was in hell, almost as bad as twelve years earlier at the end of the Bush presidency.
Bush and Cheney, both men who owed their fortunes to birth and oil, inherited a booming, peacetime economy. However, the previous president, Clinton, warned the incoming president of Muslim terrorists who were up to no good. The self-admitted dim witted Bush, who once said his friend had written four books while in college and "I read a book" got our nation attacked. His fumble-fingered FBI failed horribly, having found evidence that terrorism would happen but were ignored.
It happened. The Twin Towers and Pentagon were attacked by civilian aircraft, Bush's incompetent arrogance plunging us into the longest war in our history.
When he took office, gasoline where I live was $1.05 a gallon. Its price had been stable through the Clinton years, but under the oil men's administration, the price rose. Before the oil barons were voted out it was well over five dollars a gallon here, and the economy collapsed. We almost had another great depression, and they called the recession the "Great Recession".
McCain, running to replace his party's president, lost by a lot. Obama managed to keep the economy afloat, and even started an economic boomlet that lasted through both of his terms, and only slightly slowed during the Trump years of marches, demonstration, riots, and hatred; Charlottesville Nazis, anyone? "Good people on both sides," Old Don foully spewed while slandering veterans, gold star families, and heroes who had died in war.
Then the pandemic hit, of which the president said "What, me worry?" and foolishly threw out the research about what to do in a pandemic that his predecessor had wisely gathered.
Hundreds of Americans were dying daily from this plague that the president insisted on ignoring, saying "it will pass," unlike the terrified professionals around him who were smart enough to realize what this would do.
Businesses were ordered closed, people were being thrust into unemployment, and the uncaring president did nothing.
Four years ago few were working, and those who were were either working from home or working under hellish conditions.
And you people can't seem to remember the horror. How do you manage to get home from work every night? Who ties your shoes for you?




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